On Thursday, 22nd September 2016, the London campus of ESCP Europe hosted the Annual Banking Roundtable, an initiative organised every year by the School's UK chapter of the Alumni Association and supported by the Careers Service.
The event proved to be a great success. More than 15 ESCP Europe Alumni, all of whom are enjoying successful careers in the Investment Banking and Finance sectors, shared valuable advice on attaining careers in Banking and Finance and gave support to current students.
Almost 120 students from all programmes currently active this semester (Master in Management, Master in European Business, MSc in Energy Management and Bachelor in Management) had the opportunity to listen to tips and insights on how to be successful in applications and interviews; but also, most importantly, what it is that banks and financial services firms are looking for in candidates.The Alumni's presentation and Q&A session lasted almost 90 minutes. It was followed by networking drinks in the students' lounge, where all participants had the chance to chat and network. Careers events take place throughout the year at the ESCP Europe London campus. To find out what you could be experiencing as a student with our School, please visit the Events homepage.